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The available units are listed here. Note that units are case-sensitive!


This template calculates measurements from one unit (you can enter) to another one, and then presents the results. For example:

{{convert|2|km|mi}} → 2 kilometres (1.2 mi)
{{convert|7|mi|km}} → 7 miles (11 km)

You can also round the result. Using round=5 for example, rounds the outcome to a multiple of 5.

{{convert|10|m|ft}} → 10 metres (33 ft)
{{convert|10|m|ft|round=5}} → 10 metres (35 ft)

In a range, one can round each value individually to the default. Use round=each:

{{convert|10 x 200 x 3000|m|ft}} → 10 by 200 by 3,000 metres (33 × 656 × 9,843 ft)
{{convert|10 x 200 x 3000|m|ft|round=each}} → 10 by 200 by 3,000 metres (33 × 660 × 9,800 ft)

Rounding to fractions is also possible. Specify the desired denominator using frac=<some positive integer>.

{{convert|5.56|cm|in|frac=16}} → 5.56 centimetres (2 316 in)
{{convert|8|cm|in|frac=4}} → 8 centimetres (3 14 in)

The fraction is reduced when possible:

{{convert|8|cm|in|frac=100}} → 8 centimetres (3 320 in)
{{convert|8|cm|in}} → 8 centimetres (3.150 in) (To compare)

While it is possible to enter feet, inch in a simple conversion, this is not possible for ranges:

  • {{convert|1|ft|3|in|mm}} → 1 foot 3 inches (380 mm) (to compare)
  • {{convert|1|ft|3|in|x|3|ft|5|in|mm}} → 1 foot 3 inches ([convert: unknown unit])

In input, a comma for thousands separator is accepted but not required; a gap (space) is not accepted. In output, by default, the thousand separator is the comma:

  • {{convert|1234567|m|ft}} → 1,234,567 metres (4,050,417 ft)
  • {{convert|1,234,567|m|ft}} → 1,234,567 metres (4,050,417 ft)
  • {{convert|1 234 567|m|ft}}[convert: invalid number]

It is also possible to change the way the two measurements are distinguished from one another. Options are: b (the default), sqbr, comma, or, br, x|...:

{{convert|10|m|ft}} → 10 metres (33 ft)—( ) brackets are the default
{{convert|10|m|ft|disp=sqbr}} → 10 metres [33 ft]
{{convert|10|m|ft|disp=comma}} → 10 metres, 33 ft
{{convert|10|m|ft|disp=or}} → 10 metres or 33 feet

Setting |disp=br will force a new line (<br>)

{{convert|10|m|ft|disp=br}} → 10 metres
33 feet

Also |disp=br() will force a new line, and keep the brackets:

{{convert|10|m|ft|disp=br()}} → 10 metres
(33 feet)

Use sortable=on to include a hidden numerical sortkey in the output, suitable for use in a table with sortable columns. Technically, this places a hidden string before the actual displayed values:

{{convert|10|m|ft|sortable=on}} → {{nowrap|1=<span style="display:none">7001100000000000000</span>10 metres (33&nbsp;ft)}