Module:Geobox coor

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-- this module implements template:geobox coor

local geobox_coor = {}

local function isnotempty(s) return s and s:match( '^%s*(.-)%s*$' ) ~= end

-- Wrapper function to grab args (from Module:Coordinates), -- see Module:Arguments for this function's documentation. local function makeInvokeFunc(funcName) return function (frame) local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame, { wrappers = 'Template:Geobox coor' }) return geobox_coor[funcName](args, frame) end end

local function coord_wrapper(frame, in_args) return frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'coord', args = in_args } end

geobox_coor.coord = makeInvokeFunc('_coord') function geobox_coor._coord(args, frame) local tstr = args['9'] or 'type:other' local dstr = isnotempty(args['title']) and 'inline,title' or 'inline' local lat_dir = isnotempty(args[4]) and args[4] or 'N' local lon_dir = isnotempty(args[8]) and args[8] or 'E' local prefix = args['prefix'] or local suffix = args['suffix'] or local innerprefix = args['innerprefix'] or local innersuffix = args['innersuffix'] or

local cstr =

if( isnotempty(args[3]) ) then cstr = coord_wrapper(frame, {args[1], args[2], args[3], lat_dir, args[5], args[6], args[7], lon_dir, tstr, format = args['format'] or 'dms', display = dstr} ) elseif( isnotempty(args[2]) ) then cstr = coord_wrapper(frame, {args[1], args[2], lat_dir, args[5], args[6], lon_dir, tstr, format = args['format'] or 'dms', display = dstr} ) elseif( isnotempty(args[4]) ) then cstr = coord_wrapper(frame, {args[1], lat_dir, args[5], lon_dir, tstr, format = args['format'] or 'dec', display = dstr} ) elseif( isnotempty(args[1]) ) then cstr = coord_wrapper(frame, {args[1], args[5], tstr, format = args['format'] or 'dec', display = dstr} ) elseif( isnotempty(args['wikidata']) and mw.wikibase.getEntityObject()) then local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject() if(entity and and and[1].mainsnak.snaktype == 'value') then local math_mod = require("Module:Math") local precision =[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.precision local latitude =[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.latitude local longitude =[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.longitude if precision then precision=-math_mod._round(math.log(precision)/math.log(10),0) latitude = math_mod._round(latitude,precision) longitude= math_mod._round(longitude,precision) end cstr = coord_wrapper(frame, {latitude, longitude, tstr, format = args['format'] or 'dms', display = dstr} ) end else return end

if(isnotempty(args['wrap'])) then return prefix .. innerprefix .. cstr .. innersuffix .. suffix else return prefix .. '' .. innerprefix .. cstr .. innersuffix .. '' .. suffix end end

return geobox_coor